Miharu Koshi, Sam Lee & Friends, Mała Orkiestra Dancingowa, Stephan Mathieu & Peter Söderberg

10.45 pm: Mała Orkiestra Dancingowa
9.45 pm: Miharu Koshi
8.15 pm: Sam Lee & Friends, Barbara Morgenstern and the Chor der Kulturen der Welt
7.15 pm: Stephan Mathieu & Peter Söderberg
Mała Orkiestra Dancingowa
10.45 pm | Café Global
In cosmopolitan Warsaw between the world wars, Western European cabaret and operetta, American Swing, and Latin American dances met local Jewish musical traditions. The specifically Polish style which developed within the space of a decade is reconstructed by the “Small Dance Orchestra” directed by Noam Silberberg on the basis of historical recordings and piano scores.
Miharu Koshi
9.45 pm | Auditorium
Dreamwalking through time: following a classical training, the all-round musician Miharu Koshi advanced to become a star of Japanese Electro Pop. During the 1980s, Miharu was part of the Yellow Magic Orchestra family, where she developed her own and unique style and sound. In recent years, she has moved towards a sound which is both vintage and nostalgic, yet refreshingly new. In 2013 she released the album Madame Crooner focusing on her interpretations of the music of 1930s and 1940s Western Crooners. In 2015 she released Moonray. She performs live regularly presenting these works.

Sam Lee & Friends with Barbara Morgenstern and the Chor der Kulturen der Welt
8.15 pm | Auditorium
Contemporary interpretations of British Folk songs: Sam Lee learnt his trade with the ballad singer Stanley Robertson, and found his own style through passionate research into the oral traditions of Romany and Irish travelers. For Pop 16 he extends his circle of friends with the addition of Berlin musician Barbara Morgenstern and the Chor der Kulturen der Welt.
Sam Lee & Friends – The Ballad of George Collins

Stephan Mathieu & Peter Söderberg: Alap for Record, Steel Needle and Theorbe
7.15 pm | Auditorium
Sound artist Stephan Mathieu operates the mechanical-acoustic gramophone and the keys of the virginal, lute player Peter Söderberg plays the long-necked theorbo. Their Electroacoustic composition is dedicated to the Early Music pioneer Arnold Dolmetsch, who in the 1920s recorded attempts to render authentic performances of Renaissance music.