Archive until 2022. To the current program

Exhibition, panel, guided tour and workshop

Migrating Spaces

Sat, Mar 19, 2016
11 am–6 pm
Free admission

11.00 am – 7.00 pm | Exhibition

1.00 – 3.00 pm | Panel discussion
Architecture, remigration and identity
What role does house building play in relation to remigration?
With Yüksel Pögün-Zander (Interior designer, BAU International Berlin), Aylin Yildrim Tschoepe (Architect, Havard University), Erol Yildiz (Sociologist, University of Innsbruck), Janin Walter (Urban designer, TU Berlin, UCstudio) Moderator: Stefanie Bürkle (Artist, TU Berlin)

3.00 – 6.00 pm | Workshop
What are the differences among architectural typologies depending on cultural influences and individual experiences?
with Janin Walter

4.00 pm | Guided tour of the exhibition
With llkin Akpinar, Veronika Bökelmann and Fulya Erdem