Opening: Les Rencontres Internationales
Opening Screening (Audi) | Alchemical (Audi) | Live Mix Party (Foyer)
Screening Sessions in the Auditorium (Audi) and Theatersaal (Ths)

7 pm: Opening Screening (Auditorium)
Apichatpong Weerasethakul: Vapour | Exp. fiction | hdv | b&w | 0:21:00 | Thailand | 2015
German premiere of a film-performance by Apichatpong Weerasethakul. Music performance by Michael Busch.
Vapour takes place in Toongha in the region of Mae Ram in Thailand, a village in which the director has been living for a few years now. Clouds fall on the village and swallow it for the day. They touch the tiles, the beds, the chairs, the mats, the grass and the people living there, contaminating everything with a white vapour.
8 pm: Alchemical (Auditorium)
Enna Chaton, in collaboration with Céleste Boursier-Mougenot: Errances | Video | hdv | colour | 0:11:54 | France | 2014
Sebastian Diaz Morales: Suspension | Video | hdv | colour | 0:12:00 | Netherlands | 2015
Felipe Esparza: Soga de muerto | Exp. film | hdv | b&w | 0:06:26 | Peru | 2014
João Vieira Torres, Tanawi Xucuru Kariri: Toré | Exp. documentary | hdv | colour | 0:15:00 | Brazil | 2015
Georgy Bagdasarov, Alexandra Moralesova: Rhus Typhina | Exp. film | 16mm | b&w | 0:02:44 | Armenia, Czech Republic | 2014
Sandro Aguilar: Bunker | Fiction | hdv | b&w | 0:30:17 | Portugal | 2015
Enna Chaton, in collaboration with Céleste Boursier-Mougenot, features nude visitors at an exhibition. Sebastian Diaz Morales films a man falling in mid-air, he appears to be weightless, as if dreaming. Maybe there is nothing more than a void; maybe the fall is endless. Felipe Esparza explores and crosses hallucinatory landscapes, inspired by Ayahuasca, an Amazon tribal drink, enabling new states of consciousness to be reached. In Brazil, João Vieira Torres and Tanawi Xucuru Kariri film a ritual and question what can be seen. Georgy Bagdasarov and Alexandra Moralesova reveal a double alchemy in the transformation of a plant used by Native American tribes, and film processing and vision. Sandro Aguilar films the unsettling and bizarre encounter between two individuals.
From 9.30 pm: Live Mix Party (Foyer)
Strange Encounters by dj nasri