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Keynote Conversation / Anxious to Secure

Keynote Conversation: Anxious to Secure

With Isabell Lorey, David Lyon and Jeanette

Sat, Feb 6, 2016
5.30–7.30 pm

Precarity and surveillance are not usually discussed together, but there are intimate links between today's liquid surveillance, datafication, and the precarity that characterizes contemporary living conditions—whether we relate these to questions of labor, global finance, and migration, or to conflicts over territories and resources.

The combination of biopolitical and sociological perspectives in this keynote conversation aims for a critical analysis of new models of securitization. In the line of the stream, it asks how we want to secure ourselves, recognizing security as a basic human need and at the same time adopting a critical and deconstructive viewpoint. If insecurity itself is a new form of governance, how can people living in precarious situations resist exploitation and collectively realize alternative potentials from within the precarious state, and what new ethics of security can be collectively staked out?