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before all hell broke loose

With Vilunki 3000 / DJ Candle In The Wind, Tomi Leppänen and Stiletti-Ana

Wed, Feb 3, 2016
Hirschfeld Bar
7.30–9 pm
Free admission

When considering what it means to converse, we most often think of verbal dialogue, yet there is no better way to gain insight into the human range of expression and exchange than through music.

Finland’s thriving electronic scene is driven by the close ties and intimate relationships formed between musicians, producers, engineers, and indie record labels. before all hell broke loose draws together some of the country's underground pioneers and brings them into a unique musical conversation. As part of the opening program each artist will play a 15-minute solo, followed by a 15-minute duo, drawing on knowledge of each other’s styles and practices. before all hell broke loose is curated by Teresa Dillon.

With friendly support of the Finnish Institute in Germany.