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Lecture as dialog

Sign – Body – Instrument

About the development of technological artefacts

Mon, Sep 14, 2015
7 pm
Free admission
Photo: Science Museum London, Sir Ernest Rutherford's laboratory, early 20th century, Creative Commons

The evening is a lecture as dialog, between the artist Ralf Baecker and the sociologist Julian Stubbe. Jointly they will look at the emergence of technological artefacts from different perspectives. The focus of the lectures is the interdependence of empiricism und theory.

Ralf Baecker shows insights of his artistic practice that is located at the interface of art, science and technology. Julian Stubbe will report on an ethnography in which he compared the genesis of a robotic hand in science and Ralf Baecker’s media installation “Mirage”. He will address how technological objects gain symbolic meaning, how their material resistance influences bodily actions, and how both objects are enacted as epistemic instruments.

An event within the framework of “Salon of Aesthetic Experiments,” a collaborative project with the Graduate School at the Forum for Post Graduate Studies at Berlin University of the Arts. The Graduate School is supported by the Einstein Stiftung Berlin.