Archive until 2022. To the current program

A Collective Memory: A process of construction in constant deconstruction

With Azin Feizabadi, Marianna Liosi, Kaya Behkalam, Sami Khatib, and Rusbeh Sarfaraz

Mon, Oct 5, 2015
7 pm
Free admission
Video-Still aus Cryptomnesia (73min, HD, 2014), Azin Feizabadi

In a choreographed and sometimes accidental setting, Azin Feizabadi examines the notions of ‘Translation’ and ‘Projection’ based on his film practice within the long-term project “A Collective Memory” (2009–ongoing). Marianna Liosi (researcher & curator, co-initiator of Regarding Spectatorship, Berlin), Kaya Behkalam (filmmaker & visual artist, Berlin/Cairo) and Sami Khatib (Walter Benjamin scholar, American University Beirut) will react toward this endeavour by taking it into other realms, projecting upon it, as well as deconstructing and reconstructing it.

A series of films and videos from the “A Collective Memory” archive will be displayed on a loop (13:00–22:00) in reference to the talk (19:00). Feizabadi’s latest film Cryptomnesia (73min, 2014, D) will celebrate its Berlin premiere in the presence of the main cast Rusbeh Sarfaraz (20:30).

An event within the framework of “Salon of Aesthetic Experiments,” a collaborative project with the Graduate School at the Forum for Post Graduate Studies at Berlin University of the Arts. The Graduate School is supported by the Einstein Stiftung Berlin.