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Live Presentations

Christina Della Giustina, Mauricio Freyre, Tobias Nolte, Katharina Rüter, Svenja Schüffler, Martha Schwindling, Arturo Soto, Ewa Wesołowska, , Noémi Zajzon

Sat, Aug 29, 2015
5 pm
Dayticket 10€/8€

In English

Christina Della Giustina is a Swiss-Italian artist living in Amsterdam. You are Variations reads scientific data on the life of trees as a music score and interprets, translates and arranges long-term measurements of trees in a composition.

Mauricio Freyre is a Spanish-Peruvian architect, researcher and artist living in Madrid. In Huaca Catalina Huanca / PREVI, he investigates various phenomena linked to the handling of modernity in Latin America at two locations in Lima.

Tobias Nolte is a German architect living in Cambridge (USA) and Berlin. For Mine the Scrap, he has developed a software for the analysis of Big Data, which he aims to use to recycle disparate pieces of construction waste in order to design and assemble spatial structures.

Katharina Rüter is a German architect living in Berlin. Mossy Haze is an indoor design object that contains and sustains moss, working as an adaption to the changing living conditions through global warming.

Svenja Schüffler is a German artist and geologist living in Berlin. Installing Seismic Risk of Istanbul aims to visualize and discuss the seismic risk of Istanbul from an art-science perspective in the form of a real-time simulation.

Martha Schwindling is a German designer living in Berlin. Her design label FLAT focuses on products that bring out the special in the ordinary and question our habits in handling everyday objects.

Arturo Soto is a Mexican photographer living in Mexico City. His project proposal entails a photographic depiction of the city of Juárez and its complex history, which is shaped by globalization processes and a specific urban hybridity due to its location on the border with the USA.

Ewa Wesołowska is a Polish artist living in Cracow. Her project proposal is thematically based in ideas of light and darkness and aims to tie the principles of a light-sound installation to traditional and modern sculptural elements.

Noémi Zajzon is a Romanian-born Hungarian researcher and designer living in London. Encounters with Diasporic Futures investigates the urban terrain as a socially constructed mainspring and mediator of the memories, motivations and narratives of the diasporic Bangladeshi youth in London.