Lunch Bytes
Thinking about Art and Digital Culture

Contemporary artistic practices are inextricably linked with digtal technologies. But how can we speak of digital culture today when, on the one hand, our everyday life is entirely digitized and, on the other, the Internet has been declared dead? The symposium concludes a discussion series which in 2014 made stops in Amsterdam, Dublin, Glasgow, Helsinki, Copenhagen, London, and Stockholm.
Friday: lecture & performances with David Joselit, Jenna Sutela, Paul Kneale, and Ilja Karilampi
Saturday: panel discussions with Jesse Darling, Diedrich Diederichsen, Katrina Sluis, Hito Steyerl, Ben Vickers, a.o.
More information and the detailed program:
A project of the Goethe-Institut, conceived and realized by curator Melanie Bühler in collaboration with various partners