Archive until 2022. To the current program
The Otolith Group, Medium Earth (film still), 2013, Courtesy and copyright the artists

Oct 17–Dec 8, 2014

The Otolith Group: Medium Earth

Video Installation

Oct 17–Dec 8, 2014

The essay film MEDIUM EARTH explores the earthquake endangered geology of California as well as the spatialized unconscious of capitalist modernism in the form of parking lots.

Through pictures that appeal to the senses and the voice of a “medium” whose body is sensitive to seismic occurrences, the film listens to California’s deserts, translates what the stones write, and decodes the calligraphy of the earth’s crevices.

The second part of the exhibition by The Otolith Group, WHO DOES THE EARTH THINK IT IS (2014), consists of redacted and scanned selections from the unofficial collection of unsolicited earthquake predictions sent by members of the public to the United States Geological Survey Pasadena Field Office at California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Southern California, between 1993 and 2007.

Curated by Anselm Franke

In the framework of: