Contemporary Fictions - Part 2

Sandro Aguilar: Dive: Approach and Exit
Portugal 2013, exp. Fiction, hdv, color, 12:13 min
Ludivine Sibelle: Le sacrifice des géants
France 2013, exp. Documentary, 16mm, color, 11:00 min
Juliette Bineau: Jour de chasse
France, Canada 2013, Video, hdv, color, 10:19 min
John Soog: Förår
Sweden, 2013, exp. Fiction, hdv, color, 18:00 min
Lois Patiño: Montaña en sombra
Spain, exp. Documentary, hdv, color, 14:00 min
Michael Campbell, Janice Rahn: Elephant's Graveyard Redux
Canada 2013, Video, dv, color, 05:32 min
Caroline Pellet: Oblique
France 2010, exp. Documentary, hdv, color, 13:24 min
Sandro Aguilar films the preparation of night divers in a port. Before the dive, they test their body weight. Ludivine Sibelle proposes a documentary fable; silhouettes holding torches take us through a series of cold and desolate landscapes. Juliette Bineau films Steeve, a hunter who walks through snow. He kills time, then the animal. Who said, “A king without entertainment is a man full of misery”? John Skoog bases himself on a story that paid the price of the gossip column. A little girl of 11 years had flaunted a hunting rifle in the main street of the village that she had stolen from her father. Lois Patino scrutinises the relationship between man and landscape. Seen from far, skiers on a snowy mountain transform the space into a surreal immensity. Michael Campbell and Janice Rahn draw a parallel between the exploration narratives of the 18th Century, and the first explorations of space. Caroline Pellet films astronomers during an observation night, intercuts these shots with astronomical objects that are observed, and hence interrogates the notion of scale, measure, and the perception of the visible world.