Slam Video Maputo | Marrabenta Stories

Slam Video Maputo: An homage to the popular culture and musical energy of Mozambique.
Marrabenta Stories: Young Mozambican musicians who normally play jazz, funk and hip-hop meet grandmasters of Marrabenta.
Slam Video Maputo
D: Ella Raidal
Documentary, Austria/Mozambique 2010, 27 min, orig. w/ Eng. subtitles
Homage to the popular culture and musical energy of Mozambique. In response to Godard’s question in the 1970s of the significance of television for a non-colonial self-image, the director looks behind the scenes of current TV shows and glamorous video productions, she interviews slam poets and hip-hop musicians perform directly to the camera.
Marrabenta Stories
D: Karen Boswall
Documentary, Mozambique/Portugal 2004, 52 min, orig. w/ Eng. subtitles
For a South African tour, young Mozambican musicians who otherwise play jazz, funk and hip-hop join the grandmasters of Marrabenta, a dance music that combines traditional Mozambican rhythms with Portuguese folk music. As the name of the style suggests – derived from the Portuguese term for “explode” – the result is a quite heated musical mixture.