Archive until 2022. To the current program

Film by Alexander Kluge

When the Heavens Still Spoke to Each Other.

The Struggle of the Religions in Late Antiquity

Fri, Apr 4, 2014
6 pm
Day ticket: 8€/6€, two day ticket: 12€/10€ single ticket: 5€/3€, free admission for pupils and students
City - Religion - Capitalism, Muhammad-Ali-Moschee in Cairo / Interfaith Chapel at Atlanta airport, Cornell University Library / Paulo Ordoveza, CC BY 2.0, Collage

D: Alexander Kluge, Germany 2014, 87 min, Eng. subtitles, introduction by the director

In late antiquity, Christianity, Judaism and Islam did not yet face each other across oppositional lines. The Christian Apocrypha, the Babylonian Talmud and the Koran all reveal spiritual plurality. How did the formative phases of the religions affect our modern consciousness? With Peter Schäfer, Christoph Markschies and many others.