Archive until 2022. To the current program
Facade of the St. Patrick's Cathedral and Atlas statue, Jean-Christophe Benoist, Creative Commons

Apr 3–5, 2014

City – Religion – Capitalism

Turning Points of Civilization

Conversations, Discussions, Films
Apr 3–5, 2014

City, Religion, Capitalism – without these three structures, today’s Western societies cannot be comprehended. The filmmaker Alexander Kluge and the sociologist Richard Sennett (London/New York) trace decisive turning points in these three areas as they look back over the history of humanity.

In three panel discussions curated by Alexander Kluge and Richard Sennett, experts will negotiate these fundamental structures. Beginning with the first urban settlements in Mesopotamia, the historico-philosophical concept of the “axial age,” and early capitalism, they will draw connections to the present and future.

What emerging challenges will cities around the world have to come to grips with? What is the complexion of our contemporary understanding of ourselves and the world when viewed against the backdrop of current religious conflicts? And where are today’s capitalist economic systems leading us?

Preceding the discussions, thematic film programs specially put together by Alexander Kluge will have their world premiere at HKW.

In cooperation with Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft