Archive until 2022. To the current program

Partners and Team

Unearthing the Present was developed in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG, Berlin) and the Anthropocene Working Group (AWG) as part of Evidence & Experiment (2019–2022), supported by the Federal Foreign Office in the framework of The Anthropocene and Its Implications for Archives and Museums and by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media based on a ruling of the German Bundestag.

Haus der Kulturen der Welt   Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte   Anthropocene Working Group

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Opening Days

Concept and Realization: Katrin Klingan, Christoph Rosol, Janek Müller with Georg Schäfer, Niklas Hoffmann-Walbeck, Neli Wagner and Simon Turner and Nicholas Houde

Curatorial Lead: Katrin Klingan
Dramaturgy and Scenography: Janek Müller
Research and Concept: Christoph Rosol
Scientific Coordination: Georg Schäfer, Niklas Hoffmann-Walbeck
Program Coordinators: Evi Chantzi (AWG Forum), Niklas Hoffmann-Walbeck (Clashing Presents), Nicholas Houde (What If the Dam Was Removed?), Georg Schäfer und Simon Turner (Markers - Delineations of the Present), Neli Wagner und Andreas Doepke (Exchanges)
Program Coordinator: Doris Hegner
Project Coordination: Evi Chantzi
Project Assistance: Arianna Cecchetto, Pia Lohmann
Communication Coordinator: Julia Büki
Production Management: Quirin Wildgen
Production Assistance: Raphael Bruning
Organization: Liona Neubert, Angelika Reiss (Head), Jule Benz, Eva Hiller
Trainee: Andreas Doepke
Internship: Pauline Ahrens, Megan Black, Janna Dohrmann, Linh Müller

Program Realization on Carlina Rossée, Jonas Rinderlin
Chief Editor: Fiona Shipwright
Editors: Lorna McDowell, Jemma Rowan Deer, Niklas-Hoffmann Walbeck

Anthropocene Working Group (AWG):
The AWG is an interdisciplinary research group dedicated to the study of the Anthropocene as a geological time unit. It operates under the umbrella of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) and with the main goal of providing scientific evidence robust enough for the Anthropocene to be formally ratified within the geological time scale.
Chairs: Colin Waters, Jan Zalasiewicz
Scientific Coordination Anthropocene Working Group: Simon Turner

Scientists of the GSSP- Research Projects

Interpreter Coordination: Lilian Astrid Geese
Interpreters: Marcus Grauer, Silvia Schreiber, Simon Bihl, Matthias Jansen, Gyda Thurow, Anna Maria Władyka-Leittretter, Patricia Izomoh, Makoto Takeda, William Robert George White

Technical Department

Technical director: Mathias Helfer
Technical assistant: Martin Gräff
Head of event engineering: Benjamin Pohl
Lighting master: Adrian Pilling
Hall manager: Benjamin Brandt
Lighting technicians: Bastian Heide, Leonardo Rende
Stage technology: Frederick Langkau, Jason Dorn, Carsten Palme, Nicholas Tanton, Dominik Grzeszczuk, Antek Krawzcyk, Niklas Bischoff
Head of Audio and Video Engineering: Jan Proest
Audio and Video Technicians: Andreas Durchgraf, Simon Franzkowiak, Matthias Hartenberger, Anastasios Papiomytoglou, Felix Podzwadowski, Felix Weck, Studio6 Berlin
System administrator: Ronny Held

Architecture and Set-Up

General Coordination: Gernot Ernst mit Christine Andersen, Elisabeth Sinn
Setup: Miles Chalcraft, Oliver Dehn, Marcos Garcia Peréz, Martin Gehrmann, Daniel Gierlich, Viktor Haberkorn, Achim Haigis, Matthias Henkel, Stefan Höhne, Bart Huybrechts, Joshua Jakob, Ivan Jovanovic, Ricardo Lashley, Anne Lelievre, Simon Lupfer, Sladjan Nedeljkovic, Leila Okanovic, Lucas Recchione, Lukas Reichart, Ralf Rose, Andrew Schmidt, Nanako Seitz, Stefan Seitz, Rosalie Sinn, Ali Sözen, Norio Takasugi, Sophia Vogelsberg, Christian Vontobel, Gesa Witt und Kujawa Raumdesign

Department of Communications and Cultural Education

Head: Daniel Neugebauer
Editorial office: Amaya Gallegos, Moritz Müller, Franziska Wegener, Sabine Willig
Digital Editorial Director: Karen Khurana
Digital Editorial Office: Kristin Drechsler, Martin Gajc, Moritz Hoffmann, Anna Leonie Hofmann, Jan Köhler, Elinor Lazar
Head of Press and Public Relations: Jan Trautmann
Press Office: Lutz Breitinger, Lilli Heinemann
Public Relations: Susanne Held, Sabine Westemeier
In-house graphics: Bárbara Acevedo Strange
Documentation office: Svetlana Bierl, Josephine Schlegel
Cultural education: Anna Bartels, Laida Hadel, Katharina Hofbeck, Ireen Packebusch, Eva Stein
Research and consultation education program: Angela Dressler

HKW Library

Sonja Faulhaber (Archive service culture), Anja Wiech

Haus der Kulturen der Welt

Director: Bernd Scherer

Haus der Kulturen der Welt is supported by the Minister of State for Culture and the Media as well as by the Federal Foreign Office.

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