Archive until 2022. To the current program

Partners and Team

Part of The New Alphabet (2019-2022), supported by the Minister of State for Culture and the Media due to a ruling of the German Bundestag.

Produced by

Visions du Réel   Logo L'atelier

on the initiative of Emilie Bujès

Supported by

ARTE   Fondation Jan Michalski

Presented by

72. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin

Media partner

taz. Die Tageszeitung


Curator: Fabrice Aragno
Head of Project: Alexandra Engel
Intern: Inga Hufen

Le livre d’image was produced in association with the Society and Culture unit at Arte France for La Lucarne.
Fabrice Puchault (Society & Culture/Arte France)
Céline Chevalier (Communications/Arte France)
Claude-Anne Savin (Service Presse/Arte G.E.I.E.)
Rasha Salti (La Lucarne/Arte France)

Exhibition Architecture and Setup

Exhibition Design, Texts: Fabrice Aragno
General Coordination: Christine Andersen, Gernot Ernst, Elisabeth Sinn
Exhibition Setup: Miles Chalcraft, Oliver Dehn, Martin Gehrmann, Achim Haigis, Matthias Henkel, Bart Huybrechts, Simon Lupfer, Sladjan Nedeljkovic, Leila Okanovic, Lucas Recchione, Lukas Reichart, Ralf Rose, Andrew Schmidt, Nanako Seitz, Stefan Seitz, Rosalie Sinn, Ali Sözen, Norio Takasugi, Sophia Vogelsberg, Christian Vontobel

Department of Communications and Cultural Education

Head: Daniel Neugebauer
Editorial Office: Amaya Gallegos, Moritz Müller, Franziska Wegener, Sabine Willig
Digital Editorial Director: Karen Khurana
Digital Editorial Office: Kristin Drechsler, Martin Gajc, Moritz Hoffmann, Anna Leonie Hofmann, Jan Köhler, Elinor Lazar, Shohreh Shakoory
Head of Press and PR: Jan Trautmann
Press Office: Lutz Breitinger, Lilli Heinemann
Public Relations: Susanne Held, Christiane Sonntag, Sabine Westemeier
Documentation Office: Svetlana Bierl, Josephine Schlegel
In-House Graphics: Bárbara Acevedo Strange

Haus der Kulturen der Welt

Director: Bernd Scherer

Haus der Kulturen der Welt is supported by the Minister of State for Culture and the Media as well as by the Federal Foreign Office.

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