May–November 2022
1000 junge Gegenwarten
Stories of the present day: In an interdisciplinary writing workshop, young people explore their own life worlds using artistic methods together with the writers Hieu Hoang and Olivia Wenzel.
At regular weekend meetings, young people aged 16–23 exchange ideas and experiment with media such as voice messages, AI text generators and TikTok videos. The participants work with their observations, experiences, reflections and dreams to explore ways of drawing material from their biographies for their creative work. What moves them? What inspires, what disturbs them? What do they share online and what offline? How do they inscribe themselves in the present?
The young writers will present the results of their work In a performative reading with Olivia Wenzel and Hieu Houng at HAU.
A project by Hieu Hoang and Olivia Wenzel in cooperation with the Jugendbildungsstätte Kaubstraße and HKW. Funded by Berlin’s Projektfond Kulturelle Bildung.