Archive until 2022. To the current program

Partners and Team

Part of The New Alphabet (2019-2022), supported by the Minister of State for Culture and the Media due to a ruling of the German Bundestag.

The sandbox game Wandering Dunes 003 was developed by Nicholas Bussmann in collaboration with Michael Guggenheim. The gouache clouds from Dachs Kirsche Schuh are designed by Lucile Desamory. The piano robot Der Automat is a development by Winfried Ritsch. Technical implementation Michael Haarmann (Catlab)

Wandering Dunes 001 was commissioned by Taxispalais Kunsthalle Tirol as part of the exhibition Nicholas Bussmann___Amelica (July 1–September 16, 2018).

Part of Berlin Art Week


Supported by Wiederaufnahmeförderung der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa

Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa

Nicholas Bussmann thanks Alexander Klose, Christof Krauss, Luc Lavault, Pedro Rocha, Nina Tabassomi

Exhibition Team

Project Coordination: Lena Katharina Reuter
Production Coordination: Dunja Sallan
Intern: Seydou Cissé
Exhibition Graphic Design: Bárbara Acevedo Strange
Technical Supervision: Michael Haarmann (Catlab)

Wandering Dunes 003
with Sina Ahmadi, André Alves, Lucile Desamory, Yusuf Ergün, Franz Friedrich, Şifa Girinci, Valeria Gordeev, Michael Guggenheim, Margareth Kammerer, Rudi Katholnig, Leonor Narciso, Laura Mello, Eduard Mont de Palol, Rico Repotente, Konstantin Schimanowski, Aaron Snyder, Florina Speth, Helga Utz, Meret Weber

Haus der Kulturen der Welt

Director: Bernd Scherer

Department of Visual Arts and Film

Head of Department: Anselm Franke
Program Coordination: Agnes Wegner
Processing: Anke Ulrich

Exhibition Architecture and Set-Up

General coordination: Gernot Ernst with Christine Andersen, Elisabeth Sinn
Exhibition Set-Up: Miles Chalcraft, Martin Gehrmann, Daniel Gierlich, Achim Haigis, Matthias Henkel, Stefan Höhne, Bart Huybrechts, Anne Lelievre, Simon Lupfer, Ralf Rose, Andrew Schmidt, Stefan Seitz, Nanako Seitz, Rosalie Sinn, Ali Sözen, Norio Takasugi, Christian Vontobel

Technical Department

Technical Director: Mathias Helfer
Technical Production Assistant: Justus Berger
Head of Event Engineering: Benjamin Pohl
Head of Sound and Video Engineering: André Schulz
Lighting Operations Manager: Adrian Pilling
Technical Stage Manager: Benjamin Brandt
Event Technicians: Jason Dorn, Bastian Heide, Frederick Lagkau, Leonardo Rende, Felix Weck
Audio and Video Technicians: Andreas Durchgraf, Simon Franzkowiak, Matthias Hartenberger, Anastasios Papiomytoglou, Felix Podzwadowski

Department of Communications and Cultural Education

Head: Daniel Neugebauer
Editorial Office: Anna Etteldorf, Moritz Müller, Sabine Willig
Digital Editorial Director: Karen Khurana
Digital Editorial Office: Kristin Drechsler, Moritz Hoffmann, Anna Leonie Hofmann, Jan Köhler, Shohreh Shakoory
Head of Press and PR: Jan Trautmann
Press: Lutz Breitinger, Lilli Heinemann
Public Relations: Christiane Sonntag, Sabine Westemeier
Documentation office: Svetlana Bierl, Marlen Mai, Josephine Schlegel
Inhouse Graphic Design: Bárbara Acevedo Strange
Cultural Education: Anna Bartels, Laura Berking, Laida Hadel, Katharina Hofbeck, Marine Lucina, Dorett Mumme, Eva Stein


Sonja Faulhaber (Archivservice Kultur), Anja Wiech

Haus der Kulturen der Welt is supported by the Minister of State for Culture and the Media as well as by the Federal Foreign Office.

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