Mound [9182] 2018, Jennifer Colten, From “Significant & Insignificant Mounds”, Jennifer Colten and Jesse Vogler, © Jennifer Colten
Model of the Mississippi, Louisiana State University, Photo: Sarrah Danziger
Katrin Hornek, Research on A Landmass To Come, Photo: Toms Majors

Oct 26, 2020–Feb 28, 2021

The Shape of a Practice

Negotiating Context in the Anthropocene

Art, Discourse, Research

Oct 26, 2020–Feb 28, 2021

Oct 26–31, 2020

The Anthropocene as a global concept confronts planetary change with highly fractured and even contradictory local situations, conditions and experiences. It is therefore vital to share methods, contexts and ways of life to grapple with this transforming Earth.

The Anthropocene is often perceived as either a planetary-scale concept or an extremely local concern. Yet neither of these accounts considers that the global and the local are deeply interconnected. So how can diverse local research, struggles and practices be related to one another in order to establish a mutual ground of experience and for action within the geological age of humans?

Over the course of a week, The Shape of a Practice brought together over 100 researchers, scientists, artists and activists to share their fields and methods of work on everything from water pollution and disaster management to an interrogation of the new geological era’s colonial histories. In an interactive virtual environment, specifically designed for the event, as well as on-site at HKW, distinct questions, strategies and forms of action were linked to form a topology of the Anthropocene.

Concept and realization: Katrin Klingan, Nick Houde, Johanna Schindler, Janek Müller, Neli Wagner and Anna Chwialkowska in collaboration with Carlina Rossée and Christoph Rosol.