Partners and Team

Part of The New Alphabet (2019-2022), supported by the Minister of State for Culture and the Media due to a ruling of the German Bundestag.


Looming Creole is commissioned by Haus der Kulturen der Welt with support by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lissabon, Tabakalera San Sebastián, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, DICRéAM / CNC, Embassy of Portugal / Camões Berlim, and IBAP – Institute for Biodiversity and Protected Areas, Bissau. In cooperation with Coletivo Cadjigue, Volte Slagen, and Spectre Productions.

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Lissabon   Tabakalera San Sebastián   Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg   null

null   Volte Slagen   Spectre Productions    

manYdancing the molecular ornaments by knowbotiq is supported by Pro Helvetia, Swiss cultural foundation. Knowbotiq’s installation “Amazonian Flesh – How to Hang In Trees During Strike” (2018) was supported by Interkultur Ruhr.

Presented by

tip   taz. Die Tageszeitung   null   ExBerliner

Yorck Kino


The New Alphabet Opening Days is curated by Bernd Scherer in cooperation with Olga von Schubert.

(Un-)Learning Place is curated by Boris Buden and Olga von Schubert.

Director’s Office
Head of Project Das Neue Alphabet: Annette Bhagwati
Head of Project Opening Days: Olga von Schubert
Production Management Opening Days: Claudia Peters
Coordination Opening Days: Veronika Rau
Project Assistance Opening Days und Coordination (Un-)Learning Place: Caroline Adler
Production Coordination Opening Days: Nadja Hermann
Research Opening Days: Ana María Guzmán Olmos, Gregor Kanitz
Project Assistence Opening Days: Lena Hofmann
Internship: Zoe Schodder

Exhibition Architecture and Set-Up
Scenography (Un-)Learning Place: Raumlabor Berlin
Scenography Exhibition Hall: Janek Müller
Production Design From Zed to Omega by Alexander Kluge: Thilo Albers
General coordination: Gernot Ernst
Exhibition set-up: Oliver Büchi, Oliver Dehn, Christian Dertinger, Paul Eisemann, Martin Gehrmann, Stefan Geiger, Matthias Henkel, Matthias Kujawa, Sladjan Nedeljkovic, Nghia Nuyen, Leila Okanovic, Simon Lupfer, Jan
Proest, Ralf Rose, Andrew Schmidt, Stefan Seitz, Elisabeth Sinn, Marie Luise Stein, Norio Takasugi, Christian Vontobel, Christophe Zangerle
Video processing: Matthias Hartenberger, Simon Franzkowiak
Graphic design: NODE Berlin Oslo

Exhibition Texts and Booklet
Graphic design: NODE Berlin Oslo
Authors: Sandeep Bhagwati, Boris Buden & Olga von Schubert, Kate Crawford & Trevor Paglen, Karin Harrasser, Yuk Hui, Alexander Kluge, Sybille Krämer, Vincenzo Latronico, Bernd Scherer, Felix Stalder, Filipa César.
Editorial coordination: Martin Hager
Translations: Gülçin Erentok, John Rayner, Colin Shepherd, Anja Schulte
Editing: Joy Beecroft, Martin Hager, Claudius Prößer

Technical Department
Technical Director: Mathias Helfer
Head of Event Engineering: Benjamin Pohl
Head of Sound and Video Engineering: André Schulz
Lighting Operations Manager: Adrian Pilling
Hall Supervisor: Benjamin Brandt
Sound and Video: Simon Franzkowiak, Matthias Hartenberger, Anastasios Papiomytoglou
Sound: Andreas Durchgraf, Klaus Tabert
Lighting and Stage: Stephan Barthel, Frederick Langkau, Carsten Palme, Leonardo Rende, Nicholas Tanton, Patrik Vogt, Jason Dorn, Eduardo Adao Abdala, Bastian Heide, Marcus Köhler, Lucas Kämmerer, Marlene Merchert, Leonard Brunner, Marcos Pérez

Comunication and Cultural Education
Head: Daniel Neugebauer
Editorial Office: Franziska Wegener, Sabine Willig, Anna Etteldorf, Tarik Kemper
Press Office: Anne Maier, Laura Mühlbauer
Internet: Karen Khurana, Jan Koehler, Kristin Drechsler, Céline Pilch, Magdalena Zagorski
Public Relations: Christiane Sonntag, Sabine Westemeier
Dokumentation Office: Svetlana Bierl, Pakorn Duriyaprasit, Josephine Schlegel
Cultural Education: Eva Stein, Dorett Mumme

HKW Library
Sieglinde Tuschy, Sonja Faulhaber (Archivservice Kultur), Annica Riewe, Anja Wiech

Haus der Kulturen der Welt is supported by the Minister of State for Culture and the Media as well as by the Federal Foreign Office.

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