Archive until 2022. To the current program

Partners and Team

The Whole Life. An Archive Project is a collaboration between Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art / Archive außer sich, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Pina Bausch Foundation, and Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (SKD). It is part of HKW’s project The New Alphabet, supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media due to a ruling of the German Bundestag.

Arsenal     Pina Bausch Foundation     Staatliche Kunstsammlung Dresden

The Whole Life Academy 2019 was funded by VolkswagenStiftung.

The Broken Archive series is a cooperation between Villa Romana and HKW funded by the Federal Foreign Office as part of The Whole Life. An Archive Project



Director’s Office

Director: Bernd Scherer
Head of Project: Stefan Aue
Overall Coordination: Jessica Páez
Project Coordination: Caroline Adler (until 2019), Lama El Khatib, Laura Mattes (on parental leave), Sonja Mattes, Lena Reuter (from 2021), Mohammad Sarhangi (until 2020)
Editorial Office: Natalie Ruhland
Project Administration and guest management: Anja Dunkel, Olga Sievers (until 2019)
Head of Production: Claudia Peters, Nadja Hermann
Research: Cornelia Durka (until 2019)

Exhibition Architecture and Set-up

Exhibition Design and Architecture: Gernot Ernst, Christine Andersen, Lama El Khatib
Overall Coordination: Gernot Ernst
Exhibition Set-up: Oliver Büchi, Matthias Kujawa, Matthias Henkel, Andrew Schmidt, Norio Takasugi (2019)

Technical Department

Technical Director: Mathias Helfer
Head of Sound and Video Engineering: André Schulz
Head of Head of Event Engineering: Benjamin Pohl
Technical Production Assistant: Justus Berger
Audio and Video: Simon Franzkowiak, Matthias Hartenberger

Department of Communications and Cultural Education

Head: Daniel Neugebauer
Editorial Office: Sabine Willig, Franziska Wegener, Anna Etteldorf, Amaya Gallegos
Digital Editorial Director: Karen Khurana
Digital Editorial Team: Jan Köhler, Kristin Drechsler, Tarik Kemper, Shohreh Shakoory, Hannah Beeck
Head of Press and PR: Jan Trautmann
Press Office: Anne Maier, Lutz Breitinger, Jakob Claus (until 2020)
Public Relations: Christiane Sonntag, Sabine Westemeier
Documentation Office: Svetlana Bierl, Marlen Mai, Josephine Schlegel
Inhouse Graphics: Anna Busdiecker

Interpreter accompanying program

Jürgen Hübner (2019)

Interpreter accompanying conference

Lilian-Astrid Geese, Lioba Minz, Gyda Thurow (2019)

Haus der Kulturen der Welt is supported by the Minister of State for Culture and the Media as well as by the Federal Foreign Office.

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