Jan 16–17, 2015
54321… Radical Philosophy Conference 2015
Conference of the “Radical Philosophy” journal
In Cooperation
Discussions, panels
Jan 16–17, 2015
What is the current state of philosophical debates about alternatives to the present? The British journal Radical Philosophy, founded in 1972 as “a Journal of Socialist and Feminist Philosophy,” holds periodic conferences to reflect on the situation.
For the first time, the RADICAL PHILOSOPHY CONFERENCE takes place in Germany and discusses topics such as Acceleration & the New, Artistic Strike, Secrecy & Surveillance, Queer Theory & Geopolitics, Pedagogization, Philosophy of the Essay-Film, Animalities, On Organization.
Is the current acceleration of social life in capitalist societies qualitatively different from the futuristic speed of modernity? Does the art strike still represent a viable political response to art’s affirmative complicity with the market? What are the effects of the new forms of surveillance on our political condition? Is queer theory “merely cultural”? Is today’s “pedagogical turn” a capitulation to a generalized pedagogization or a site of a potential resistance? How does the essay film work to communicate philosophy? What happens when biopolitics takes human-animal relations as its focus? What alternatives are there in matters of collective empowerment to the political forms of the 20th century? These topics and questions will be discussed in a sequence of panels, bringing together international speakers from diverse disciplinary backgrounds.
With: Fahim Amir (Kunstuniversität Linz), Claudia Aradau (King’s College London), David Blacker (University of Delaware), Christa Blümlinger (Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis), Victoria Browne (Oxford Brookes University), Gregoire Chamayou (CNRS, École normale supérieure, Lyon), Matthew Charles (Westminster University, London), Claire Fontaine (artist collective, Paris), David Cunningham (Westminster University, London), Antke Engel (Institut für Queer Theory, Berlin), Frank Engster (author, Berlin), Arianna Ferrari (ITAS, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie), Peter Hallward (Kingston University London), Gertrud Koch (Freie Universität Berlin), Esther Leslie (University of London), Stewart Martin (Middlesex University, London), Peter Osborne (Kingston University London), Silvia Posocco (University of London), Nina Power (Roehampton University, London), Rahul Rao (SOAS, University of London), Frank Ruda (Freie Universität Berlin), Nora Sternfeld (Aalto University, Helsinki), Hito Steyerl (artist, Berlin), Chris Wilbert (Anglia Ruskin University), Burkhardt Wolf (Humboldt-Universität Berlin)
Further information at www.radicalphilosophy.com