Cultural education
Guided Tours and Talks

The artist Klaus Weber talks with frieze’s editor-in-chief Jörg Heiser about his installations “Shape of the Ape” and “Kouros (walking man),” on display in the show. Renowned primatologist Tetsuro Matsuzawa gives a lecture about the cognitive development of chimpanzees. In “Flota Nfumu,” the artist Filip Van Dingenen invites us to draw apes, the author and educator Alexander Scheidt speaks with kids about animals and humans in “Philosophy in the Garden.” “A Family Portrait” with Stefanie Schluter looks at apes as family members in film and science. Pupils from the Oberstufenzentrum für Kommunikations-, Informations- und Medientechnik (OSZ Kim) will produce a radio feature about Ape Culture, pupils do artistic investigating with the theatre director Carlos Manuel.