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Photo: Nina Ansari-Pirsarai, JugendtheaterBüro Berlin, © JugendtheaterBüro Berlin

Nov 01–03, 2012

Festiwalla 2012

Dare real [DEMO!cracy]


Arab revolutions, Days of Rage in London and Occupy: Worldwide protest movements are demanding greater participation in political processes; young people everywhere are calling for social change. “Dare real [DEMO!cracy]” – that is also the goal of this year’s Festiwalla Berlin’s youth theatre festival from and for young people which will undertake a critical and artistic exploration of the practice of democracy. From November 1 to 3, young people from Germany and the world will present their views and demands for political participation in plays, workshops, performances, music, readings, films and discussions, taking over the Haus der Kulturen der Welt for three days.

The internationally renowned “Freedom Theatre” from the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank performed its play “Stolen Dreams”. The Freedom Theatre is an outstanding initiative for the creation of a future Palestinian society which attempts to generate a positive identity through art, culture and education. “Stolen Dreams” is an homage to Juliano Mer-Khamis, the founder of the “Freedom Theatre” who was murdered in 2011.

In addition to this explosive production the program also included current performances from the JugendtheaterBüro, the Grips Theater Berlin, the P-14 Volksbühne Berlin as well as the performance group of the Schaubühne Berlin.

Festiwalla has a proven track record: In the previous year the festival was held for the first time – also in the HKW – under the motto “KulTür Auf! Against access barriers and for a democratisation of culture”, attracting over 4,000 visitors. The play “Keiner hat mich gefragt” (No one asked me) from the young German-Palestinian Asma Zaher at the festival was immediately nominated for the Jugendtheatertreffen Berlin 2012.

Realised by young artists, Festiwalla 2012 uses the stage as a mouthpiece for discontent and as a motor of change. Workshops on the theme of “Art, Crisis and Resistance” and a daily “open space” create room for debate, encounters and protest. “Dare real [DEMO!cracy]” is also the motto of the parade through Berlin which opens the last day of the festival.

The plays:
Freedom Theatre Jenin: “Stolen Dreams” | JugendtheaterBüro Berlin: “Arab Dream – From Tahrir with Love” – “Wessen Land? – Ein Stück Palästina + Wer macht die Regie?” – “Unsere Straße – Kinder der Sonne Deutschlands + Müllgericht” | Grips-Theater Berlin: “Rise up! Wie weit würdest du gehen?” Diggers forever group of the Lina-Morgenstern School: “Anonymous” | lebende objekte köln (joint production): “Die Hoffnung stirbt zuerst“ | P14-Volksbühne Berlin: “AH´Similare – Die Geschichte einer Anpassung” | Theater Expedition Metropolis in cooperation with the Alia Mädchenzentrum: “Mädchenspiele”

Festiwalla 2012 presented by JugendtheaterBüro Berlin. Supported by Stiftung Pfefferberg, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Bezirksamt Mitte von Berlin and Heinrich Böll Stiftung. Funded by the program Internationale Jugendarbeit des Kinder- und Jugendplans des Bundes.