Archive until 2022. To the current program

Walter Filz

Walter Filz is an author and cultural journalist. He heads the Hörspiel und Feature (radio play and feature) editorial department at Südwestrundfunk. He has produced numerous documentaries, features and radio plays and received the Radio Play Award of the Academy of the Arts for Resonanz Rosa. Eine Frau hört mehr (Resonance Rose, a woman hears more, 1999) and the Kriegsblinden radio play prize for the radio play Pitcher (2000). His publications include Der Affe zu Köln (The monkey at Cologne, 2010) and Es ist noch Känguruschwanzsuppe da: Die Wahrheit über den Kölner Karneval aufgrund der Beweismittel meines Vaters (There is still Kangaroo tail soup left: The thruth about the Cologne carnival based on my father’s evidence, 2018).

As of November 2018