Sybille Krämer
Sybille Krämer was a professor of philosophy at Freie Universität Berlin from 1989 to 2018. She has obtained visiting professorships in Tokyo, Vienna, Graz, Zurich, and Lucerne and will become senior professor at Leuphana University of Lüneburg in 2019. She was a member of the Wissenschaftsrat, the Scientific Panel of the European Research Council Brussels, “The Human Mind and Its Complexity,” and the Senate of the German Research Foundation, as well as a permanent fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin. Her research focuses on questions of epistemology; seventeenth-century philosophical rationalism; philosophy of language, writing, diagrammatics, and media; and symbolic machines, computers, and the cultural techniques of formalization. Her most recent publications include Medium, Messenger, Transmission: An Approach to Media Philosophy (Medium, Bote, Übertragung: Kleine Metaphysik der Medialität, 2008/2015), which has also been translated into Japanese; and, as co-publisher, Thinking with Diagrams: The Semiotic Basis of Human Cognition (2016) and Testimony/Bearing Witness: Epistemology, Ethics, History and Culture (2017).
As of January 2019

The Discrete Charm of the Alphabet
Performances, Lectures, Discussions
Jan 11, 2019

From Zed to Omega
Discussions, Concerts, Performances, Films
Jan 10, 2019

Performing the future
Jul 08–10, 2010