Performing the future
The future of performativity research

Exploring how the future is generated can be just as fascinating as looking at what the future has in store for us. What constitutes the transformative power, the particular energeia of the performative, and how can it be described and understood in more depth?
After conductung eleven and a half years of research, the conference, in collaboration with the Collaborative Research Center “Performing Culture,“ will examine thescope for expanding existing theories on performativity in terms of generating the future.
Participants: Gottfried Boehm, Judith Butler, Johannes Fabian, Bruce Kapferer, George E. Marcus, Jon McKenzie, José Esteban Muñoz, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, Irit Rogoff, Elaine Scarry and many others.
Detailed program on
"Performing the Future" is the concluding conference of the Collaborative Research Center 447 "Performing Cultures" in cooperation with the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin. Patron, the Federal Minister for Education and Research Dr. Annette Schavan