Asal Dardan
Asal Dardan grew up in Cologne, Bonn and Aberdeen after her parents fled Iran. She majored in cultural studies in Hildesheim and Middle Eastern studies in Lund. As a freelance author, she writes for Zeit Online, the FAZ and the Berliner Zeitung, among others. In 2020, she won the Caroline Schlegel Prize of the city of Jena. Her essay collection Betrachtungen einer Barbarin was nominated for the German Nonfiction Prize in 2021.
As of July 2021
Archive of Refuge
What’s Next?
With Amel Alzakout and Merle Kröger, Manuela Bojadžijev, Robin Celikates, Asal Dardan, Carolin Emcke, Dmitrij Kapitelman, Nora Markard and Luisa Neubauer
Oct 3, 2021

21 Sunsets
Asal Dardan, Annett Gröschner
Moderated by Miryam Schellbach
Reading and talk
Jul 29, 2021