Jace Clayton
Jace Clayton is an artist and writer based in Manhattan, also known for his work as DJ/rupture. Clayton uses an interdisciplinary approach to focus on how sound, memory, and public space interact, with an emphasis on low-income communities and the global South. His book Uproot: Travels in 21st Century Music and Digital Culture was published in 2016. Recent projects include Sufi Plug Ins, a free suite of music software-as-art, based on non-western conceptions of sound and alternative interfaces and The Julius Eastman Memorial Dinner, a touring performance piece for grand pianos, electronics, and voice.
As of March 2019

Life and Death in the Universal Library
Mar 23, 2019

Dur-Dur Band International, DJ /rupture
Concert, DJ-Set
Mar 23, 2019
Copyleft or Copywrong? Part 2
Oct 21, 2018