HKW Video

HKW Video

Video – 0:29:58

A Journey of Ideas Across. In Dialog with Edward Said

Samia Mehrez: On Walls, Revolutions, and Universities: In Dialog with Edward Said

Video – 0:30:58

A Journey of Ideas Across. In Dialog with Edward Said

Subhi Hadidi (Arabic): Recycled Orientalism: Covering Islam(s) of the "Arab Spring"

Video – 0:08:42

Geographies of Collaboration since 1945

Interview with Doreen Mende and Milica Tomic (Travelling Communiqué)

Video – 0:16:51

Geographies of Collaboration since 1945

Interview with Anjalika Sagar and Kodwo Eshun (The Otolith Group)

Video – 0:01:16

Wassermusik | Festivaltrailer 2013

Thu, Jul 18, 2013 Trailer Wassermusik: "The New Pacific"

Video – 0:26:21

The Whole Earth

HKW Talk on the Anthropocene with Diedrich Diederichsen and Bernd Scherer

Video – 0:23:03

HKW Talk on the Anthropocene | Fred Turner

It’s the information, stupid! English original version Conversation, Apr 26, 2013