8 results

    Thu, Jul 3, 2014
    6 pm

    Award Ceremony and Long Night of the Shortlist

    award ceremony Literature (...)
    Award Ceremony and Long Night of the Shortlist (...)
    award ceremony International Literature Award - Haus der Kulturen der Welt 2014

    Wed, Jul 8, 2015
    6 pm

    Long Night of the Shortlist and Award Ceremony 2015

    & Blanka Stipetić Moderation: Leila Chammaa & Jörg Plath (Jury 2015) 9 pm Award Ceremony in the (...)
    Long Night of the Shortlist and Award Ceremony 2015 (...)
    award ceremony Internationaler Literaturpreis 2015

    Fri, Feb 8, 2019

    Berlinale Generation

    award ceremony Film (...)
    award ceremony Film festival

    Tue, Jun 18, 2019
    7 pm

    Award Ceremony: Internationaler Literaturpreis 2019

    award ceremony, the audience is invited to get together with the participants over music and drinks on (...)
    Award Ceremony: Internationaler Literaturpreis 2019 (...)
    award ceremony Readings, conversations, discussions
    Internationaler Literaturpreis 2019

    Bodybits 2009

    longer than three minutes. The award ceremony took place at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt on 12 December (...)
    award ceremony