Archive until 2022. To the current program


Geographies of Collaboration I

Resources in the Space Age

Fri, Oct 4, 2013
12 noon
Day ticket films, talks and exhibition 6/4 €

in English

Special Edition Stamp on occasion of the Bandung Conference, 1955

Pop culture has always been a hybrid, a promising potential and, in the best case, ahead of its time. In the product of that which appears to be new, influences and the exertion of influence can be traced only with difficulty.

Program: THU 03.10. | FRI 04.10. | SAT 05.10.2013

By a twofold detour across the Black Atlantic, mainly after World War Two, African music revolutionized European pop culture. Meanwhile, music from Africa continues to reach us under the label of “world music.” It is hastily internationalized according to a hard-to-define concept, and in this sense universalized. On this day, the imaginary, biographical and theoretical source material of diverse pop genres will be repeatedly revisited.

Discussions with Garnette Cadogan, Rangoato Hlasane, Keyti, Bongani Madondo, Charles Tonderai Mudede

Film screenings in the framework of the conference day:
The Nine Muses + Archie Shepp à Alger


15h: Charles Mudede, Garnette Cadogan, Kader Attia
17.30h: Break
18h: Bongani Madondo
19h: Keyti, Rangoato Hlasane
22h: Police Beat (Film)

Program: THU 03.10. | FRI 04.10. | SAT 05.10.2013