
Mr. Ho's Orchestrotica

Homage to Esquivel

Sat, Aug 10, 2013
8.30 pm
Admission: Evening ticket 13/10 €, film only 5/3 €
Mr. Ho’s Orchestrotica, © Eva Blue

Looking back, it seems more than a little strange that the mad sound sculptures of the Mexican pianist and arranger Esquivel were categorized under “easy listening” in the 1950s. Even so, they gave their creator not only a number of minor hits, but also long-running gigs in the hippest nightclubs on the Los Angeles–Las Vegas circuit. Today Esquivel’s music is considered a holy grail of the tiki, exotica, and easy-listening revival subculture, and more than fifty years had to pass before a band dared bring his works to the stage again in a live performance. For just this purpose, Mr. Ho, known to his mother as Brian O’Neill, assembled his Orchestrotica, an ensemble more than twenty-strong, complete with slide guitar, Hammond B3 organ, and fourfold angels’ voices, not to mention frightening precision in selection and execution.

Mr. Ho's Orchestrotica is following the concert by Matias Aguayo x Mostro