Archive until 2022. To the current program

Exhibition, Discussions, Concert

Chronicle of a Revolt - Opening

With a lecture by Achille Mbembe

Thu, Nov 22, 2012
6 pm
Free admission
Foto: Sidy Mohamed Kandji, © Sidy Mohamed Kandji

At the opening of the exhibition, Achille Mbembe, Boris Diop, Gilbert Achcar and others place the events in Senegal in the context of African protest culture and revolutionary powers. A concert with Didier Awadi, one of the central figures of the Senegalese HipHop scene and at the same time a leading activist of the protest movement, rounds off the program.

18 h Opening of the Exhibition more about the exhibition...

20 h Revolts and Resistance – A Pan African Perspective

Lecture by Achille Mbembe followed by a discussion with Georg Diez (author, journalist)

Simultaneous translation German-English-French

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