Matter of Critique

What is critique? This international conference explores the conditions under which contemporary critique takes place and traces the concept of the term “critique” in various traditions. It also addresses the question of the historicity of critique that shifts between reevaluation and (re)positing. Presentations, lectures, and roundtables examine the conditions, “disciplines” and positions of critique, ranging from literary criticism, iconic criticism, and ideology critique to forms of social critique, cultural and art critique.
Panel V: Politics of Critique
10.00 –10.45 Stéphane Lojkine (Aix-Marseille): Foucault, l’émergence du dispositif
10.45 –11.30 Robert Pirro (Statesboro, Georgia): Revolution and Tragedy
Moderation: Melanie Sehgal
Panel VI: Critique and Literature
12.00 –12.45 Rüdiger Campe (New Haven): Kritik der Poetik, Theorie der Ästhetik – von Gottsched bis Schlegel
12.45 –13.30 Sophie Witt (Frankfurt/O.): Perspektive und Distanz: Zur Frage der Autorisierung
Moderation: Andrea Allerkamp
Panel VI: Measures of Critique
15.00 –15.45 Pablo Valdivia Orozco (Frankfurt/O.):Kritik: Schatten der Literatur?
15.45 –16.30 Danièle Cohn (Paris): De près, de loin : critique et juste distance
Moderation: Thomas Ebke
17.00 - 18.30 Roundtable
with Danièle Cohn (Paris), Jörn Etzold (Bochum), Thomas Khurana (Frankfurt/M.), Ekkehard Knörer (Berlin) a.o.
Moderation: Andrea Allerkamp
Concept: Andrea Allerkamp, Pablo Valdivia Orozco, Sophie Witt
Rüdiger Campe is Professor of German Language and Literature at Yale University. His research focuses are rhetoric and aesthetics, the history of science and representation, (baroque) theater, the European novel, and literature and law. His books include“Spiel der Wahrscheinlichkeit. Literatur und Berechnung zwischen Pascal und Kleist.”
Danièle Cohn is Professor of Philosophy at Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Her research focusses on aesthetics. She is on the editorial board of the journal “Critique,” and has most recently published “La lyre d’Orphée. Goethe et l’esthétique” and “Textes clés d’ Esthétique.”
Jörn Etzold is a research and teaching assistant at the Institute of Theater Studies at Ruhr University Bochum. He is the author of “Die melancholische Revolution des Guy-Ernest Debord” andhas published widely on theater, literature and theory.
Thomas Khurana is a research and teaching assistant in the Department of Philosophy as well as in the Exzellenzcluster “The Formation of Normative Orders” at the Goethe-University, Frankfurt/M. He is the author of “Meaning and Memory. The Temporality of Meaning and the Figures of its Reflection,“ and editor of “The Freedom of Life. Hegelian Perspectives.”
Ekkehard Knörer is a film critic, editor, and cultural scientist. He received his PhD from the European University of Frankfurt/O. He is co-founder and editor of “Cargo. Film/Media/Culture“ and editor of “Merkur. German Journal for European Thought.”
Stéphane Lojkine is Professor of 18th Century French Literature and director of the Interdisciplinary Centre of Literary Studies at the University Aix-Marseilles. His areas of research include literary theory, text and image, and the theory of the dispositif. He is the author of “La Scène de roman” and “Image et subversion.”
Robert Pirro is Professor of Political Science at Georgia Southern University. His research interests include the politics of tragedy and the politics of German Hollywood directors. His most recent publication is “The Politics of Tragedy and Democratic Citizenship.”
Melanie Sehgal is Assistant Professor of Literature, Science and Media Studies at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/O. She received her PhD in Philosophy from the Technical University of Darmstadt with a dissertation on speculative thinking in William James and Alfred North Whitehead.
Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt an der Oder / DFG-Graduiertenkolleg Lebensformen und Lebenswissen, in co-operation with Haus der Kulturen der Welt