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Same Desires

Dieselben Begierden

Tue, Dec 6, 2005
7 pm
Admission: 8 €, concessions 5€, for one film only: 5 €, concessions 3 €
Ilil Alexander, Keep not Silent, Copyright: Promo

In a society that is torn apart, problems in same sex relationships bear a double burden: ethnic and sexual exclusion go hand in hand. Three documentary films clearly show the consequences of doubly repressed relationships, of doubly transgressing the “limits of tolerance” and policed territories.


Zero Degrees of Separation

Documentary by Elle Flanders , Canada 2005, 85 minutes, English subtitles

When the person you love is your political enemy, more is at stake than in a normal relationship. A unique journey through the complex living situations in which homosexual Israeli-Palestinian find themselves. The filmmaker’s own story is also interwoven into this is the action. She sets out to trace her Zionist grandparents in a nation that is still in the process of becoming; a nation full of young pioneers, immigrants and refugees. Providing a sharp contrast, images of the present reveal the cracks in the foundations of this country.


Gan - Garden

Documentary by Ruthie Shatz and Adi Barash , Israel 2003, 85 min, English subtitles

Gan is the name of a neglected park in Tel Aviv. Male prostitutes and dealers go about their business there. Nino and Dudo, two such young men, defy Palestinian policemen, Israeli secret service agents, lecherous landlords and prison. A glimmer of light in an area that gives little cause for optimism.

Keep not Silent

Documentary by Ilil Alexander , Israel 2004, 52 min, English subtitles

Recorded on webcams concealed behind curtains, three members of the Jerusalem Ortho-Dykes (orthodox lesbians) recount their efforts to combine two aspects of their life: their sexual identity and their families. The price they have to pay is very high.

Israeli Academy Award for the Best Documentary in 2004