Sounds, Lecture, Research Reports, Interview
Transnational Routes
The new urban religious communities are often internationally networked because of the increasing mobility of people, goods and the media: They deterrorialize and reterrorialize themselves in Diaspora communities in globally networked metropolises. Gilles Aubry’s soundscapes from Kinshasa, Peggy Levitt’s lecture on immigration and new forms of religious architecture in the US and research reports on global Congolese Diaspora underline the significance of the role of religious players.
With Gilles Aubry (Sound Artist, Berlin), Filip de Boeck (Anthropologist, Leuven, Kinshasa), Gerda Heck (Migration Sociologist, Berlin), Peggy Levitt (Sociologist, Writer, Cambridge), Alain Okito (Pastor, Berlin).
Moderator: David Garbin (Ethnologist, London)