Flight Laboratory
Fri, Mar 4–Sun, May 8, 2011
Admission with exhibition ticket
The flight laboratory, which hovers on a balcony, serves as another bridge between the exhibition and the visitor’s experience and imagination – especially, but not exclusively, for children and youngsters.
Artists and computer experts have prepared a number of activities aimed at unlocking the secrets of the ‘Dream of Flight’ in a creative, artistic manner: what shape must a body have to be able to fly? Why do we fly in our dreams? How do you make the perfect paper plane? Does GoogleMaps show us the real world or the world of Google?
At weekends, you can take part in joint experiments with artists:Sat + Sun 12 – 19 h
Participating artists: Sonia Correa, Silke K. Kaestner, Michael Lang, Anja Sommer
Exhibition Tours and Flight Laboratory for School Classes
Reservations for school classes: 39 78 71 80 and info@next-kultur.org
Group fee: 50 € (admission included)