Lectures, Staged Readings, Theatre
Bordercrossers: Women / Images of the Americas on the Move

Since the conquest of "Latin" American territories, images emerged which represented the continent as feminine and, therefore, available and exploitable. To this day , the image of a European "Coloniality of Gender" has had lasting consequences. Works of art from Latin America, in particular, show that gender relations are diverse and controversial negotiations. Plays and lectures give an insight into the gender images in and from Latin American countries.
Day 1 | Bordercrossers Day 2
18.30 h Lecture
With Anna Straube: “Undeutliche Tiere und queeres Begehren im Neuen Argentinischen Kino”
Followed by a discussion
19.30 h Theater
"Filizid", D: Susann Neuenfeldt
Followed by a discussion mit Luciana Mastromauro (Madres de la Plaza de Mayo) and María Galindo (Mujeres Creando, Bolivien, participating in the exhibtion "The Potosí Principle")
21.30 h Theater
"Mis muy privados festivales mesíanicos" , Textos Que Migran Comany, D: Percy Jiménez
Followed by: Performance with Amelia Bande & Diskussion
Sponsored within the framework of the “Ideenwettbewerb Lateinamerika“ by Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. With support from the Goethe-Institut Buenos Aires and Teatro Pro Argentina.
Day 1 | Bordercrossers Day 2