The true end of the war is before it begins
With Wojciech Tochman, Olga Tokarczuk (Poland), Olaf Kühl (Germany)
Music, film and readings dramatise the completion of the German-Polish project, carried out under the artistic guidance of Stephan Stroux, which began in 2006 in Warsaw with a homage to the Warsaw uprising Virtuelle Brücke in der Weichsel« and in 2009 he followed this up with a trilogy about the justification of violence during pivotal moments of Berlin’s history: »and then…the justification of violence«/ Bebelplatz; »Desire, life, a state of emergency«/ DHM-Schlüterhof; »Future without boarders, future without wars«/ RadialsystemV. In the book, Polish and German authors amongst others write about memories of the Second World War, brutality in human relationships, the Rwandan genocide and the new conflicts at Europe’s boarders. Stephan Stroux (born in 1945) serves as author, director, translator, actor and artistic guide for the German-Polish project in Warsaw and Berlin.
Focus Eastern Europe I Specials
MUSIC: Julia Marcell, BANDO Percussion, Jan Tilman Schade
FILM DOCUMENTATION: and then … the justifivation of violence
PRESENTER: Peter Franke