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Idyllic folk and criminal jazz encounter cinnamon-coloured poetry

Fri, Sep 24, 2010
10 pm
Admission: 10 €, concessions 8 €, school students 4 €

With their current programme "Cinnamon", the Polish band Karbido and the Ukrainian writer Juri Andruchowytsch demonstrate that intoned poetry needn't be monotonous or depressive. It can be everything: beautifully melancholic and extremely funny, but above all irresistibly danceable. Karbido & Andruchowytsch have wowed festival audiences all over world, and now they bring the magic of cinnamon to Berlin.

Focus Eastern Europe I Specials

Juri Andruchowytsch (Ukraine) and the band KARBIDO: Marek "maot" Otwinowski (Poland; bass), Igor Gawlikowski (Poland; guitar), Tomasz Sikora (Poland; sound production) and Peter Zumthor (Switzerland; drums)