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Jean Ziegler

Hate For the West - Fracture Points of Global Justice

Wed, Apr 14, 2010
Exhibition Hall 1
7 pm
Admission: (incl. exhibition ticket) 5 € / 3 €
Jean Ziegler, © C. Bertelsmann

What are the prospects for a just global social order in the midst of “unrestrained capitalism”? Jean Ziegler searches for the causes of anger against the “Western enclaves of happiness” and finds them in the deep wounds of the memory of the “peoples of the South.” The Swiss sociologist and author, a member of the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee from 2000 to 2008, takes clear positions in his books: L’empire de la honte (The Empire of Shame) from 2005 and La haine de l’Occident (Hate For the West) from 2009.

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