Recording Angels - Audio Poverty 1

After the debates concerning changes in the music business in the age of downloads, the question now turns to whether there is an ethic of listening. As a follow-up to Audio Poverty - a conference about music and poverty that took place in February 2009 – Recording Angels will discuss new ways of listening that goes beyond the shuffle mode and "Trial & Error". What opportunities lie hidden in the global archives? How can a sampling and memory culture be cultivated, while fairly compensating the artists and copyright holders? Who manages the archive, how is it mediated and moderated? Recording Angels is a follow-up to the Audio Poverty conference held in February 2009. The event includes a panel discussion and an artistic intervention by the British pop musician and blogger Momus and his DJ-set which he mined from the deepest layers of the archive. Ekkehard Ehlers and others will join the discussion about the ethics of listening.
19:00 DJ-Set Ekki Ehlers
20:00 Discussion with Mark Ainley (Honest Jon´s, London), Klaus Walter (Byte FM, Frankfurt ), Momus aka Nick Currie (Berlin) and Kleopatra Sofroniou (Universal Music)
and Björn Gottstein (Berlin, Moderator)
22:00 Momus Live
23:00 DJ Setwith Mark Ainley + Ekkehard Ehlers