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Camera and History

Sat, Feb 21, 2009
6.30 pm
Free admission

'How is history written in film?' A discussion with the film critic Christina Nord and film-maker Thomas Heise.

Thomas Heise, Professor of Film / Media Art, Karlsruhe. After completing a printing apprenticeship, Heise worked as a director assistant at the DEFA Studio for Feature Films. He studied at the School for Film and Television in Potsdam until 1982. From 1987-90, Heise was a master class student at the Academy of Arts in the GDR. Only after reunification, he became well-known for films such as: "Stau - Jetzt geht's los" (1992). In 2005, his film "My Brother. We Will Meet Again," was screened at the Berlinale. Since 2007, Heise teaches at the Karlsruhe University for Arts and Design (HfG).

Christina Nord, Film Critic, Berlin, studied Literature and Latin American Studies at the Free University of Berlin and in San José, Costa Rica. Since 2002, she has been head of the Film department at the tageszeitung. In addition to her editorial work, she is a lecturer in film criticism at the Free University of Berlin. In 2004, she was a jury member at the Northern Festival de Cine Independiente Buenos Aires and in 2005 president of the jury at the La Habana Film Festival.