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Homework (e Maschgh Schab)

D: Abbas Kiarostami

Fri, Feb 20, 2009
Exhibition Hall 1
8.30 pm
Free admission

Free admission

D: Abbas Kiarostami, Iran 1989, 86 min. Farsi OV with German voice over

Kiarostami realises that he cannot help his son with his homework. So he grabs his camera, aiming to find out what the problem is. Talking to schoolchildren about their experiences at school and life at home with their parents, and about their joys and fears, he discovers what a crucial role religion plays in their lives. The children have learned what they may and may not say. The film vividly shows Iran’s repressive educational system, with its harsh discipline.

Repeat: WED, 25.2., 20.00 h