A very very Short Story of Nollywood + Nollywood. Just Doing it + Mission Nollywood - Peace Mission
Introduction and discussion with Awam Ampka

A very very Short Story of Nollywood
D: Awam Ampka & Manthia Diawara, Nigeria/USA 2008, 20 min, English OV
Nollywood, Nigeria’s Hollywood, arose without any outside ‘development aid’: the simplest technology, video cameras: low to no budget – and immensely successful with local audiences. A very very Short Story of Nollywood shows the films’ very special style: from the conditions of production to the mis-en-scène.
The Nollywood Style
D: Jane Thurborn, Nigeria/UK 2008, 30 min, English OV
Discussion with Awam Ampka and Dorothee Wenner
The film examines the balancing act between learning by doing and the awakening interest of the government.
Mission Nollywood – Peace Mission
Dorothee Wenner, Germany 2008, 80 min, German subtitles
Discussion with the director
Mission Nollywood – Peace Mission follows one of the key protagonists of the scene, Peace Aniyam Fiberesima, who has made it her declared goal to explore new dimensions with Nollywood cinema.