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Thomas Sankara, l'espoir assassiné + The Whims of Marianne V

Sat, Oct 11, 2008
10 pm
Admission: 5 €, concessions 3 €
Thomas Sankara, l' Espoir Assassiné, © Promo

Thomas Sankara, L’Espoir Assassiné (Thomas Sankara)

D: Balufu Bakupa-Kanyinda, Democratic Republic of Congo/France/Great Britain 1991, 26 min, English subtitles

Discussion with the director

A portrait – a thin line between forgetting and mystification. The film sets off on the tracks of the "Che Guevara of Black Africa", the president of Burkina Faso, who was assassinated in 1987.

Les caprices de Marianne V

D: Kamel Chérif and France Bonnet, France 2008, 57 min, French OV with German over headphones

What are Marianne’s whims? – the director asks. Why did a French television station refused to show Kamel Chérif’s prize-winning film about a boy who arranged his own circumcision? An autobiographical search for the true content of France’s egalitarian principles.

24:00 h Party

with Africain Sound System and DJ Nico (ex Tam Tam)