Archive until 2022. To the current program

International Conference

The Colonial Modern

Thu, Oct 23, 2008
6 pm
Free admission

English and German, with simultaneous translation

Inspection of the Résident Générals Francis Lacoste at the Carrières Centrales, 18 June 1954, Casablanca, Morocco, Photo: Jacques Belin / Centre d’Archives Diplomatiques, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, Nantes, France


18 h Welcome speech
Susanne Stemmler, Haus der Kulturen der Welt
+ Introduction by the Research Team of IN THE DESERT OF MODERNITY

19 h Lecture
Valentin Y. Mudimbe:
On That Difference Which Might Not Be One
(Moderation: Serhat Karakayali)

Valentin Y. Mudimbe has taught at the Universities of Louvain, Paris-Nanterre, Zeire, Stanford University, and at Haverford College. He is Newman Ivey White Professor of Literature at Duke University. His publications include over one hundred articles, three collections of poetry, four novels, and several books in applied linguistics, philosophy, and social science, e.g. The Invention of Africa (1988), The Idea of Africa (1994), Diaspora and Immigration (1999). He was also for ten years General Secretary of SAPINA (the Society for African Philosophy in North America).

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