Interdisciplinary Conference and Workshop

Memory, Art and Culture

Remembrance and dealing with the past after 1989

Wed, Jul 2, 2008
2 pm
Free admission

14 - 15 h


15 - 15.45 h

Welcome and Introduction

Tanja Lenuweit, Anne von Oswald, Andrea Schmelz

15.45 - 17 h

N.N.: „Memory of „Ethnic Cleansing“ in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia

Dr. Christian Lotz (Leipziger Kreis): Flight and Expulsion of the Germans in the Culture of Memory in Germany since 1989

Moderation: Andrea Schmelz

17 – 17.15 h Coffee Break

17.15 - 18.30 h

Dr. K. Erik Franzen (Collegium Carolinum, Munich): Discourses on forced migrations in Central Europe: History Politics and Memories in Literature

Jacqueline Nießer (Institut für angewandte Geschichte, Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft im Dialog e.V.): German-Polish flight and expulsion memory in comparison to the experience in former Yugoslavia (working title)

Moderation: Anne von Oswald

18.30 – 19 h Break

19 - 21 h

John Burgan (English filmmaker): Film introduction and presentation: Behind words. Forced migrations in the 20th century Europe, 88 min., 2005