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Concert and Party

DJ Ipek Ipekcioglu, Fanfara Kalashnikov + Party with DJ Ipek Ipekcioglu & DJane Jugotonka

Sat, Jun 21, 2008
11 pm
Free admission
Party at 24:00 h

22 h DJ Ipek Ipekcioglu

23 h Fanfara Kalashnikov

23:45 h DJ Ipek Ipekcioglu and Djane Jugotonka

IN TRANSIT will be staging a Balkan Party before it closes its doors for the year. DJ Ipek and Djane Jugotonka await you with Balkan beats, and the Fanfara Kalashnikov band will bring down the roof with their funky brass.

Fanfara Kalashnikov have performed with Seed and also played the Wedding March for the Balkan R’n’B queen Miss Platnum. The band members come from the Vltava region in north-eastern Romania – an Eldorado for brass-band music. The musicians acquired their passion for fast grooves when they were still very young and served their musical apprenticeship at village and family festivals, playing at weddings, birthdays and name days. Fusing gypsy music and jazz, they created their very own brand of music: Speed Brass in Balkan-Orient style – with a powerful dose of Jazz and Funk. Bursting with energy, the music collective drives its audiences into a state of ecstasy, with its tuba, horns and trumpets – and well over 200 beats a minute.